Although the situation has improved, COVID is still a concern. Both your health and your practitioner’s health are of utmost importance. As such, appropriate measures have been implemented to keep us healthy. Please read the following to find out how we are keeping you safe and what you can expect at your appointments.
Screening: Before booking your appointment you will be screened for COVID.
Do you have a fever (greater than 37.8C) ?
Do you have ANY of the following signs or symptoms?
New onset of cough
Worsening chronic cough
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
New loss or decrease in sense of taste or smell
Runny nose
Sneezing (not allergy related)
Hoarse voice
Nasal congestion
Unexplained fatigue or malaise or muscle aches
Difficulty swallowing
Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
If you are 70 years or older, are you experiencing any of the following symptoms:
unexplained or increased number of falls acute
functional decline or worsening of chronic conditions
In the last 7 days, have you travelled outside of Canada or been in contact with someone who has travelled?
In the last 7 days, have you travelled outside of Canada and been told to quarantine (per the federal quarantine requirements), or have had close contact with anyone who has travelled in the past 14 days and who shoulder be quarantined?
Has a doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told YOU that you should currently be isolating (staying at home) OR do you live with someone that has been told that they should currently be isolating? This can be because of an outbreak or contact tracing.
In the last 7 days have you had close contact with anyone with a confirmed or probable/suspected case of COVID-19 AND not been wearing any protection such as a mask?
If you answer YES to any of these questions please contact your physiotherapist directly before canceling so that we can discuss the situation and what options are best.
The day of your appointment
Please wear a mask into the clinic
The morning of your appointment, you will receive an online COVID screening questionnaire (same questions as above). Please fill it out prior to your appointment. NOTE: the practitioner has the right to reschedule your appointment should they feel it is not safe to treat you due to health concerns.
If you answer yes to any of the questions in the questionnaire or need to cancel your appointment due to possible COVID symptoms, please contact Laura Powers directly (705-888-6396, #2).
What if you test positive for COVID within 14 days after your appointment
Please inform your practitioner immediately so appropriate measures can be taken. Your confidentiality will be respected, but other patients seen that day will have to be notified.
What is your Practitioner doing to keep you safe?
The treatment room is being thoroughly cleaned with health standard cleaning products.
Extra time is being allotted between patients to ensure all surfaces are cleaned, including desk top, door nobs, sinks, computer, handles etc.
They will be wearing appropriate PPE.
They are screening patients before booking and before entering the clinic.