Higher Function Women's Health: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

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Personal Training For Your Pelvic Floor

With the beginning of 2019 it is inevitable that people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. A new year can bring the motivation for a new start and a new goal. It may be something small, like cutting out coffee, or something a little more personal, like spending more time with family. Regardless, it gives us something to strive for and focus on. 

I did a quick search to see what the top New Year’s resolutions are for Canadians and found a report on the top ones from 2017. (https://www.statista.com/statistics/655493/new-years-resolutions-canada/). I can only assume that 2019 will produce similar results. Interestingly, the top goal was to improve personal fitness and nutrition at 33%. 

From my past experience of working in the fitness industry, I can confirm that there is an influx of new clients in January, all motivated to improve their health and lose weight. They want guidance and structure, accountability to make their workouts and someone to motivate them. Some may even go as far as getting a personal trainer to make it even more specific and individualized. People will put a premium on their health when they really want to. 

So this got me thinking, how many women make “stop peeing my pants” their New Year’s resolution???? 

If this is something you want to improve upon, it is a perfect time to get a “personal trainer” for your pelvic floor. Essentially, that is what Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists are. We assess, we prescribe you specific exercises for your pelvic floor muscles (kegels), and we create accountability to complete your workout routine. As with workouts, yes, you can read books or watch videos online, but nothing compares to the one-on-one, hands on experience that you get with a personal session. You will find the feedback and specificity makes your program even more effective than just doing it on your own. Typically I advise clients to stay committed to their kegel program for 3-6 months (Note: appointments are typically spread out over this time frame), but some times, women will see improvements before then.

When it comes to stress urinary incontinence (leakage with coughing, sneezing, running etc), it is not always due to a weak pelvic floor. Sometimes it is actually just a coordination issue and can be corrected by focusing on the timing of your contractions. One strategy that we use is called The Knack, which is a pre-contraction of your pelvic floor before a cough or sneeze. This can prove to be very effective, IF you already have sufficient muscular strength or tone. As always, having a proper assessment by a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist can provide you with a thorough understanding of how your muscle are working. 

So if improving your overall health and quality of life is on your to-do list for 2019, why not invest in a Personal Trainer for your pelvic floor! You won’t regret it.